The Project
In 2016, Qube was awarded funding by the Heritage Lottery Fund to research and record biographic details of the fallen men who are listed on the Oswestry WW1 War Memorial, sited at the entrance to Cae Glas Park. The project aims to uncover civilian and military information for each of the men listed on the pillars, enabling each of their unique stories to be told as completely as possible and interpret their lives and sacrifice in the context of ‘Oswestry’ and ‘The Great War’.
* To the best of our knowledge the information on this website is accurate and reliable and every effort has been made to seek acknowledgements and permissions where required. Please contact us if you have any concerns or queries.
The Men on the Gates Team
The project is being led by researcher John Davies and has been generously supported by ten volunteers. Their roles range from research, fact checking and website development to marketing and design.
Oswestry Community Action, otherwise known as Qube, is a registered charity based in Oswestry. Its aim is to improve the quality of life and promote independent living for people in Oswestry and the surrounding area. We achieve this through our main service areas; Arts and Health, Care Information, Community Transport, Courses and Training, Volunteering, Tuesday Club and Shopmobility. Qube also has a community building with facilities which include a purpose built contemporary art gallery, IT Centre and meeting/activity rooms. For more information about Qube’s services please visit the website