Published By John Davies
100 Days. Battle of Cambrai, 8-9 October 1918.
Battle of Cambrai. Abancourt. 11 Bn Manchester Regiment. 9 October 1918.
Cambrai is a city on the River Scheldt in France. The city was occupied in 1914 and remained in German hands throughout the war. Battle of Cambrai, 8-9 October 1918 was the continuation of the advance eastward now that the Hindenberg Line had been breached. The operation was a success and the city was captured by Canadian troops.
Following the successful operations during the Battle of Cambrai on 8 October 1918 the advance would continue the next day to the north of Cambrai. The 11 Bn Manchester’s were in the line at Haynecourt, on the 9 October they received orders to support the Canadian Corps to their right. The Canadians were to advance to establish a line in front of Bantigny, Cuvillers and Ramillies. The 11 Bn Manchesters were ordered to cover and secure the left flank. – patrols sent out to establish a line from the Station along the light railway and in the trench just to the south of Abancourt. As soon as the line was established patrols were to be sent forward into Abancourt and if possible to establish a line to the north and east of the village Abancourt. Patrols were duly sent out to establish the position and then moved onto the village followed by the rest of the battalion. Total casualties were 4 ranks killed and 8 wounded.
GOOGLE MAPS Satellite view centres on Abancourt, Cambrai.
References and Sources War Diary 11 Bn Manchester Regiment.
B&O 1918. 100 Days. Battle of Cambrai. Abancourt. 11 Bn Manchester Regiment. 9 October 1918.