Published By John Davies
100 Days.
Bethune. Les Harisoires. 1 Bn King’s Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment) 8 August 1918
In the week before the 100 Day advance the 1 Bn Kings Own (Royal Lancaster) Regt. left billets at Cense de la Vallee and went into the line in the Pacaut sector on the east side of the Canal d’Aire near to Les Harisoires. The enemy was by now weak and over the next days numerous patrols were sent forward to find and assess the enemy strength. They moved forward slowly and by 6 August had a established a new line running through Bois de Pacaut. From here more patrols were sent out to reconnoitre the ground towards the River Trebeaute and Ville Chapelle. Enemy activity was light but with occasional periods of sniping and MGs. On 8 August they pushed forward again, establishing posts nearer to the River. More patrols were sent out and on 10 August they moved forward up to the River Turbeaute where they got into touch with the enemy on far bank. During the day C Coy pushed scouts and patrols forward and at 5.00pm a post was established on the eastern side of the River covered by a machine gun on the opposite bank. During the night three more posts were established over the River by D Coy. They held this line until 12 August when they moved into the support lines and then on 15 August moved back to billets at Cense de la Valle.
GOOGLE MAPS Satellite view centres on present day Bois de Pacaut
References and Sources War Diary 1 Bn King’s Own (Royal Lancaster) Regt.
B&O 1918. 100 Days. Les Harisoires. 1 Bn King’s Own (Royal Lancaster) Regt 8 August 1918.