Published By John Davies
100 Days.
Battle of Epehy. Villers Guislain. 12 Bn County of London Regiment. 21 September 1918
The Battle of Epehy was part of a general advance made against the Hindenburg Line on the Somme. The objective was to establish a line from which the Hindenburg line could be assaulted. The attack commenced at 5.30am on 18 September 1918.
On the opening day of the Battle of Epehy the 12 Bn County of London Regiment were in Corps Reserve at Guyencourt. They went up to the front on 20 September and into trenches at Epehy. On 21 September the battalion, along with 9 Bn County of London, were to attack and capture Kildare Avenue. at the head of Pigeon Ravine near to Villers Guislain, Epehy and in the locality of Pigeon Ravine Cemetery. The war diary gives few details other than the objective was taken. The battalion remained in this position until 24 September when they were withdrawn to billets at Trones Wood.
GOOGLE MAPS Satellite view centres on Pigeon Ravine Cemetery, location of Kildare trench system.
References and Sources WAR DIARY 12Bn London Regiment
B&O 1918. 100 Days. Battle of Epehy. Villers Guislain. 12 Bn County of London Regiment. 21 September 1918.