Published By John Davies
100 Days.
Advance in Flanders. Ypres. 35 Bn Machine Gun Corps. 28 September 1918
During the 100 Days the Advance in Flanders had the objective to recover the ground lost during the Kaiser Offensive and break out of the Ypres Salient. The Advance began at 5.30am on 28 September 1918 and would continue until the end of October. The first weeks were spent breaking out of the Salient and fighting over the battlegrounds of 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Ypres, the offensive is also known as 5th Ypres.
The 35 Bn Machine Gun Company were divisional troops in 35 Division. The Division would attack in the sector north of the Ypres – Commines Canal to Mount Sorrel. Companies of 35 Bn MGC were assigned to each of the attacking brigades – C Coy to 104 Brigade in the centre, D Coy to105 Brigade on the right and A Coy to 106 Brigade on the left. The attack commenced at 5.30am on 28 September, the battalion providing covering fire and barrages. The first objective was taken and by 10.30am the advance resumed against Alaska House and Zandvoorde. The 106 Brigade took Alaska House but 104 Brigade met determined resistance and failed to capture Zandvoorde. The company was withdrawn that evening and went into the reserve lines.
GOOGLE MAPS Satellite view centres on Mont Sorrrel, the Ypres – Commines Canal at bottom of frame.
Alaska House 35Bn MGC. 28 September 1918. (National Archives
References and Sources War Diary 35 Bn Machine Gun Corps.
B&O 1918. 100 Days. Advance in Flanders. Ypres. 35 Bn Machine Gun Corps. 28 September 1918