Published By Ben Hillidge
Wieltje. 3 Bn Rifle Brigade. July 1915
At the outbreak of war 3 Bn Rifle Brigade was stationed at Cork Ireland. They arrived in France on 12 September 1914. They moved to Ypres at the beginning of June. By the end of the month they had been taken off front line duty and were in billets at Dirty Bucket Camp near to Elveringhe. During July they were employed on working parties digging and entrenching. On 27 July they went back into the line for a 6 day tour. They relieved the 1 Bn The Buffs in trenches at Wieljte facing Mouse Trap Farm in the northern part of the Ypres Salient. Throughout the month there had been a steady attrition of casualties – for July the war diary records 15 KIA and 32 wounded.

Wieljte – Map from 1916 showing German trenches in red and Britis front line in dotted blue. 3 Bn Rifle Brigade were in the line in squares C 21, 22 & 28. (National Archives)
References and Sources WAR DIARY 3 Bn Rifle Brigade.
B&O 1915 Ypres. Wieltje. 3 Bn Rifle Brigade. July 1915