Published By John Davies
Bethune. Cite St August. 11 Bn Manchester Regiment. 21 November 1917.
The 11 Bn Manchester Regiment spent the second week in November 1917 in billets at Vaudricourt. On the 16 November they moved to the support lines south east of Loos where they relieved the 6 Bn Dorset LI. They spent the next 3 days on working parties before moving into the front on 19 November. They relieved the 5 Bn Dorsets. In the line opposite Cite St August to the north of Loos. The War Diary records the next three days as ‘Quiet’. Casualties were 1 OR KIA on 21st and 1 OR KIA and 1 wounded on 23rd. The only incident being the enemy rushing a Lewis gun post when they captured the gun. The battalion returned back to the support lines on 23 November.
References and Sources WAR DIARY 11 Bn Manc. Rgt.
B&O 1917. Loos. Cite St August. 11 Bn Manchester Regiment. 21 November 1917.