Published By John Davies
Ypres Canal Bank. 128 Field Coy Royal Engineers. 10 – 12 August 1917.
During the last days of September and first 2 weeks of August the 128 RE field Coy were operating in the Ypres Salient. They were employed at Boundary Road on road work filling in shell holes and improving drainage.
The War Diary records the following –
10 August 1917 – Transport moved by road to lines at (G6 a5.7, Dismounted men worked in forward roads as follows BOUNDARY ROAD C 26 d6.4 to C21c3.4 (sheet 20) improving by filling in shell holes and drainage
11 August 1917 – work as yesterday. Sapper Turton R (CWGC) killed
12 August 1917 – work as yesterday – Sapper Cook G (CWGC)killed. Sapper Rabbage E, Alderman and Miller wounded while returning from work.
References and Sources War Dairy 128 RE Field Coy.
B&O 1917. Third Ypres. Ypres Canal Bank, 128 RE Field Coy. 13 August 1917.