Published By Ben Hillidge
- Labourer
Labourers in various industries, Unskilled, doing the donkey work that is nowadays done by machinery – carrying, digging, manual work.
Private 6471 William J Healey, 2 Bn King’s Shropshire Light Infantry. General Labourer
Private 21425 William Husbands, 6 Bn King’ Shropshire Light Infantry. General Labourer – poss on railway (L&NWR)
Private 17679 E A (Evan Arthur) Humphreys, 1Bn Coldstream Guards. General Labourer
Private 32515 Charles Humphreys1/5 Bn South Lancashire Regiment (Prince of Wales Volunteers) Labourer for County Council
Private 9724 David Jones, 2 Bn King’s Shropshire Light Infantry. Labourer at Oswestry Skating Rink built 1909 on Oswald Road, would later become Oswestry Bus Station and sheds
Corporal 15748 Robert E Jones, 6 Bn King’s Shropshire Light Infantry unemployed labourer
Private 1748 Thomas L Jones, 1/1 Shropshire Yeomanry. Labourer at Messrs Brunner Mond and Co. Northwich – alkali and soda works also at Bookbinder, quarry
Private M/403930 Herbert Parsons, Army Service Corps MT Depot Sydenham Brickyard Labourer (1901) also at window cleaner
Private 29458 CW Mac Roberts, 13 Bn Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment). Labourer also mineral water bottler
Corporal 26963 William H Roberts, 4 Bn The King’s Liverpool Regiment. General Labourer
Private 17435 Richard Vaughan, 5 Bn King’s Shropshire Light Infantry. General labourer -also at Railways – former apprentice wagon builder ex Cambrian
Private 26265 Thomas Jones, 1 Bn Cheshire Regiment
Rifleman 7015 John W Hughes, 3 Bn Rifle Brigade. bricklayer and labourer for Oswestry Corporation.
Private 32515 Charles Humphreys1/5 Bn South Lancashire Regiment (Prince of Wales Volunteers) – labourer for Salop County Council
.Private 6699 RH Cooper, 2Bn King’s Shropshire Light Infantry. Pre war was working for Oswestry Council poss as a labourer.
- Lawyers and Law Clerks see Solicitors & Lawyers
- Local Government & Public Authorities
Lance Corporal 9336 James Bayley, 4 Bn Royal Welsh Fusiliers, Gymnastic instructor
- Leather Workers, Tanners, Fellmongers.
Private 34304 Thomas E Jones, 1/4 Bn Loyal North Lancashire. KIA 9 April 1918, labourer at leather works
Private 12369 Alfred E Evans, 1 Bn King’s Shropshire Light Infantry. – a fellmonger – dealer in animal skins. Father ran the Tannery on Oak Street