Published By John Davies

Possible candidate, but there are inconsistencies.
No military records can be found for Evan Lloyd Jones. Shropshire Roll of Honour records that he died in the UK in 1919. There is a, Private 108678 E Jones 9 Bn Machine Gun Corps, died 5 January 1919 and buried at Whittington Church Cemetery. However there is also a death registered at Oswestry for an Evan L Jones in September 1919. The inconsistency in the 2 dates and lack of initial ‘L’ suggests they are 2 different men.
Either way, given his birth year, he was likely a conscript called up in Spring/Summer 1918. For Private 108678 E Jones posted to 9 Bn Machine Gun Corps this is consistent, the Battalion was established in March 1918 in a reorganisation of the Corps. Again, given his late enlistment it is improbable that he served overseas. This is constent with both men dying in the UK. For Private 108678 E Jones, listed on CWGC, his death was due to military service.
Evan Lloyd Jones was born in Quarter 2 1900 at Morton, Oswestry, he was the youngest of 8 surviving (11 born 3 dead) children with 3 brothers and 4 sisters. His parents were Edward, a brickyard labourer, and Catherine Jones. They lived at 3 Hill Cottage, Sweeney Mountain. In 1911 Garbaldi Terrace, Weston Rhyn.
No military records have been found for him.
Evan Jones and Evan Lloyd Jones listed in unveiling pamphlet
Shropshire Roll of Honour gives these men Evan Jones no details and Evan Lloyd Jones died in UK 1919